Sunday, April 3, 2011


Small Kauman Village turned out to save the big charm. Starting from the populist Mabulir library until the Great Mosque area of ​​13,000 m2. Charm has spawned a number of prominent Muslim leaders in Indonesia.

Kauman Village, Enchantment of Islamic Struggle

An intersection will be found when she reached the Jalan Malioboro. People faced with a choice as to where it wanted. To this day, more people chose to move on to the Palace area without realizing they had missed one of the charms that are stored in the region, Kauman Village. Areas that will be encountered when selecting turn right, passing Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan, and into a gate on the left side of the road.

Kauman Village at the time of the kingdom is home to 9 Ketib or prince palace assigned to supervise religious affairs. Since hundreds of years ago, this village has a large role in Islamic religious movement. In the struggle for independence, this village became the founding of the Islamic movement Muhammadiyah. At that time, a Muslim named KH Ahmad Dahlan as the founder of the movement was concerned because many people get caught up in things mystical. Beyond that, K.H. Ahmad Dahlan was also perfecting the prayer direction 24 degrees to the northwest (the Masjid al Haram in Mecca) and also eliminate the habit of salvation for the dead.

Arch topped arch form will be welcome prior to entering Kauman. Curved shapes that are characteristic of Islamic buildings are a lot of influence from the Middle East. At the top of the gate, there is a picture of a green circle with the sun shining 12 yellow in it. This picture is now still used as symbol of Muhammadiyah organization and other institutions under its auspices.

Along the alleys of the village should Kauman foot. In addition there are forbidden to wear a sign mounted on the vehicle near the gate, the road in Kauman deliberately designed to be difficult for incoming vehicles. The design was intended for the noise does not disturb the students busy learning and philosophy as a form of equality in Kauman where everyone who enters is required menangggalkan social status on foot.

On both sides of the aisle, you will see various buildings with different architectures. A yellow house that is now a retail store will be found not far from the gate. The house has doors, windows, and rooms, and ventilation is decorated with color glasses shows the influence of European architecture. Walk to the end of the alley and turn right, will be found a white house with the window frame and door is brown. Leaf upper part of window-shaped curve shows the strong influence of the Middle East. Directly in front of the house, there is a blue house with a roof design similar houses in Kotagede Kalang.

At the end of the alley before you turn, you will find a monument surrounded by a small garden. on the monument are the words "bin Fisabillillah Martyrs", the year 1945 - 1948, and a list of names of 25 people. The monument was erected to commemorate service Kauman residents who died while fighting in the war of independence. The word 'Martyrs' show that citizens Kauman considers the heroes died a martyr.

Besides can see the names of freedom fighters who died during the war, you can also see one of the fighters who are still alive. One of them is H. Farook Farook who lived not far from the village exit Kauman. According to the story, when the war of independence, he joined the Great Commander General Sudirman. Some photos with the Great General, newsletters in the war for independence, and news from the newspaper when it still keeps.

In Farook's house, you also will know that until now he is still struggling. He founded a self-managed library named Library Mabulir. Every day he traveled by bicycle to offer books to the public. All books loaned only on one condition, the person who loaned must collect at least 5 people. According to him, it is a form of awareness to others and an invitation to share knowledge for themselves.

A school that has stood since 1919 can also be found in this village. Inception, the school was named Hooge School Muhammadiyah and later changed to Kweek School in 1923. school was also established by K.H. Ahmad Dahlan was in 1930 split into two, for both men and women. Schools for men and for women named Mualimin named Mualimat. Furthermore, the wife of Ahmad Dahlan also founded Yayasan Aisyah for women.

Most recognizable buildings in the complex that includes Kauman Village is the Great Mosque. The mosque is a mosque in the center of the Sultanate was established since 16 years after the founding of Yogyakarta Kingdom. Architecture of Java-style mosques are entirely designed by Tumenggung Wiryakusuma. The mosque building is comprised of the core, the porch, and the whole area of ​​13,000 pages meter2. The building is distinguished from the main building foyer. Supporting poles of the mosque for example, in the main building are 36 plain round while in the verandah poles have cloud-patterned stone base as many as 24 pieces.

If you've explored it all, you will recognize the greatness of this small village community and believe that Islam has brought improvement. The proof, a number of Indonesian Muslim leaders such as Abdurrahman Wahid and Amien Rais had studied in this village. However, if it is not satisfied to wander, there is one place more to be explored, visit Ahmad Dahlan. Formerly, the building was used K.H. Ahmad Dahlan to hold a Sidratul Muntaha, a Koran lesson and sermon. Another break is quite legendary Princess Langgar Ar Rosyad which is violated first daughter in Indonesia. How about it, enough to satisfy? If you're satisfied, then you may leave the Palace complex through the village exit.

Hotels near Kauman Village:

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Bureau tour to Kauman Village:


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